Monday, July 27, 2009

Diabetes is Preventable

Diabetes is a preventable disease and if you already have it you can treat it with natural medicine. Failure to examine all forms of treatment is a mistake you can't afford to make. There is an absolute need for incorporating natural medicine into your diabetes treatment plan.

Diabetes is a disease of modern living. It is now one of our society's biggest drains of resources. Approximately one-third of the diabetics in the U.S. are unaware that they even have it. Do not self-diagnose. Proper medical care is critical to good health.
In your treatment program, do not ignore the three areas of treatment, pills, diet,and lifestyle. All three must be integrated.

Work with your doctor. I prefer a nutritionally oriented medical doctor that doesn't get upset with natural health care. You don't want to be hiding anything from your doctor, that could be serious.

I found that all of the diabetic diets work, even just cutting your regular diet in half seems to do a lot of good. But cut out all sodas, diet and regular. I believe they are as bad as cigarettes to your health.

Do your exercise, get out and socialize, and live a good life with passion and joy.

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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Diabetes Control Made Easy - Natural Ways to Manage Diabetes

By Lindelwa Laz

Were you recently diagnosed with diabetes, just like many other Americans. This condition can be life-threatening and cause different complications to individuals. You should know that you can control diabetes by following the advice you physician or doctor has given you, like losing weight and taking your medication.

They are a couple of ways of controlling diabetes and some people take time to move from their denial stage. Many people refuse to believe they have diabetes although it has become a national epidemic. The two main precursors of diabetes is not being over weight and not eating lots of sweets. Diabetes strikes everyone and some indications states that it can be an inherited disorder. If one of your relatives had first degree diabetes, chances are highly possible that you may get it as well. Don't forget to tell your physician as well of you once had a relative with diabetes so they can do a blood test to see if you are at risk for diabetes as well.

The first thing to do if you are type II diabetes is getting yourself a blood sugar monitor to keep records of your sugar level. Doctors recommend that you do this several times a day, especially when you've finished eating. You will be also given diet suggestions and prescribed to certain medications.

It's a shame that many people with type II diabetes do not take their medication, eat the wrong foods, and fail to monitor their blood sugar levels.

Monitoring the gylcemic index is one of the main things to do when controlling diabetes. Carbohydrates are not good for type II diabetes and people with this condition should stay away from them since they have a difficult time absorbing, breaking down sugar and starch in their system. A certain number of carbohydrates have high glucose levels which takes too much time in breaking them down. So when monitoring the gylcemic index you should be aware of which carbohydrates tend to rank high in the glycemic index sheet.

You can surely take control of your diabetes by monitoring your sugar levels, becoming aware of carbohydrates that tend to be high in the glycemia index, and taking your prescribed medication.

By the way, in 1981, Dr. David Jenkins of the University of Toronto came up with a ranking system for carbohydrates based upon how long it takes them to break down into the system. Some carbohydrates break down very slowly and those release glucose gradually into the bloodstream and have a low glycemic index. For people who are diabetes, particularly those who are insulin dependent, a low glycemic index is preferable. These foods allow the insulin or medication to respond better to the blood glucose and allows for the sugars to break down more naturally.

By following a diet with limited amounts of carbohydrates, being aware of the Glycemic Index and learning which carbohydrates are the most harmful to a diabetic diet, someone with this potentially life threatening condition can keep this disease at bay.

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A diabetic diet should include limits on carbohydrates and increases in protein. Sugars should be eliminated as well as white flour. Pasta and rice are also rich in carbohydrates. One way someone can follow a good diabetic diet is to follow some of the low carb diets that were popular some years back. Many of these diets either eliminated or limited carbohydrates. There are also many different diabetic cookbooks for those with this condition that can help a person live a happier, healthier life.

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Control of Diabetes - Simple Steps You Can Take On

Control of Diabetes - Simple Steps You Can Take On
By Alvin Hopkinson

Diabetes is a very serious condition that affects millions of Americans. It has the ability to affect every part of the body; leading to additional life-threatening conditions. Taking control of diabetes will be extremely challenging.

However, living with the disease does not mean that your life is over. As a matter-of-fact, taking good care of yourself and taking care of your diabetes will help you feel better.

Although it is not really known, even to modern medicine, the ideal cause for diabetes, it is clear that there are means to control progression. In order to take control of the disease, you must first learn about it.

The disease is the make-up of a metabolic syndrome that suggests that the body utilizes digested food to promote growth and energy. Basically, the main source of energy is food. The digested food is broken down into glucose. After which, it is absorbed by the bloodstream to be distributed to the cells of the body.

The glucose requires the assistance of the hormone called insulin to travel to the cells. Meaning, the insulin, which is produced by the pancreas (gland behind the stomach) is the key that allows glucose entry to cells. Ironically, the insulin also plays significant role in what causes diabetes. Insulin is important to convert the blood sugar or glucose into energy.

In order to take control of diabetes, you must also be aware of the diabetic blood glucose, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels or ABC's. Knowing these levels is imperative in that it will decrease your risk of developing more complicating conditions.

Extended high levels of the ABC's may indicate heart attack, stroke, or other diabetic problems. The A1C test identifies blood glucose levels for up to and over three months. The goal of A1C for most people is below 7.

High blood pressure develops into a disease in its own right. Combined with diabetes makes it that more dangerous. High blood pressure makes the heart work harder to pump blood through the body; causing intense stress. The blood pressure measurement goal for most should be 130/80.

Lastly, high cholesterol levels cause clogs and build-up in the blood vessels. The cholesterol level is measured in LDL goal is less than 100) and HDL (goal is above 40). A good HDL helps remove cholesterol from blood vessels. Basically, high blood sugar or glucose level deteriorates the heart and blood vessels, kidneys, feet, and eyes.

Managing diabetes is challenging, yet it can be accomplished. This third step for keeping diabetes under control is dependent upon a self-care plan. Even if medications are required to maintain normal blood sugar, natural home remedies have proven to be successful.

Implementing healthy life-style changes will not only keep blood glucose at an acceptable range, they are also known to rid of symptoms. A self-care plan consists of a diabetes diet plan. This meal plan consists of healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables, as well as fish, lean meats, chicken and turkey (without the skin), dry beans, and whole grain.

Additionally, you should only consume non-fat dairy products. The self-care plan also demands that you get 30 - 60 min of physical activity on most days of the week. Implementing these strategies of a personal self-care plan helps maintain normal blood glucose, but also help you lose weight.

Finally, always stay in touch with your physician to keep control of diabetes. Take initiative to obtain routine care and practice the self-care plan daily. At each visit to your physician be sure that he completes a blood pressure check, foot check, weight check, cholesterol check, and a depression screening.

Alvin Hopkinson is a leading health researcher in the area of natural remedies and diabetes treatment. Discover how you can reverse diabetes for good using proven and effective home remedies. Visit his site for more useful articles/reviews such as: Diamaxol Review

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Mental Control of Diabetes

We have all heard it over and over again, "diet and exercise for diabetics", but I believe more emphasis needs to be placed on our mental outlook of this disease.Learn all that you can about your condition and get ready to do battle.

Start your morning with a wholesome breakfast and eat just enough to be a little hungry as you leave the table. Now the mental part comes in. Bring to mind pleasant thoughts like maybe being on a South Sea Island watching a sailboat off in the distance. As you are relaxing you can start visualizing your day.
See youself being joyful and thankful for being alive today. Look for a way to make someone else as joyful as you are.

Now get some exercise. Find something that you love doing and don't make a chore of it. I love walking and meditating on all this great World has to offer us. If any negative thoughts try to barge in, just change the subject. That gets a little easier to do as time goes on. Just think of this, you just had a great breakfast and now you are getting exercise and building a positive mental attitude. Isn't this just what the doctor ordered?
Don't be a loner in your battle with diabetes. Support groups are perfect for you to help someone else. By helping others, you probably help yourself even more. The good feeling you get from doing it is doing wonders for your therapy.

Just taking charge of your body in this way is going to make a big difference in your health. You will feel the difference right away with more energy and a better outlook for your life.