Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Diabetic Retinopathy Prevention

About 42% of all diabetics have diabetic retinopathy. This is damage to the retina from leaky blood vessels.

Pycnogenol may reduce the progression of later stages of retinopathy and now new research has shown that it also helps in preventing it in its early stages.

Numerous studies have been published on Pycnogenol's health benefits for diabetics. It would be wise for anyone with high blood sugar to further look into this, because blindness is a major complication of diabetes.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Low Carb Diet is Not Good for Diabetics.

It's not the carbohydrates that are so bad, it's where they come from that is the culprit. Refined carbohydrates are bad and unrefined carbohydrates are good, it's as simple as that.

Our ancestors had no refined foods and their body handled whatever they ate with no problem. We refine just about everything we eat and our body will struggle just to get rid of all of the junk.

It would be wise for everyone to learn which foods have a low glycemic index and base a healthy diet on those foods.

A low glycemic food, such as fresh vegetables, releases carbohydrates slowly, so you don't get as much of a blood sugar spike after eating a meal.

Click here for John's website.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Are You At Risk For Diabetes - This Simple Meal Can Show You

Are You at Risk For Diabetes? - This Simple Meal Can Show You
By []John Demusz

Twenty-five percent of the population will never get diabetes no matter how many carbohydrates they eat. The rest of us are not so lucky and have to watch out.

Diabetes can sneak up on you without ever giving you any warning at all. You probably heard about the signs to look out for like being thirsty, itching, blurry vision, and all the rest. But what if you are without the common symptoms and would like to know how you stand.

Well you can get a pretty good idea from a simple meal and you will have time to change your lifestyle to most likely never getting diabetes. This test is very accurate and you do it yourself in your own home.

Eat a large pasta meal for lunch on a day that is fairly normal for you. Do not eat anything else for 3 hours. Notice how you feel at the 3 hour mark. Are you sleepy, are your eyes just wanting you to take a nap? If this is the case, then you are genetically at risk of eventually being pre diabetic and getting diabetes.

The good news is that you now know your condition and still have time to do something about it before it gets worse. Let this be your wake up call. Don't wait until high blood sugar starts causing damage to your body.

Get with your doctor and get tested and ask for diet help. Your doctor can lead you in the right direction as far as the necessary tests for future monitoring of your health. Read up on how to prevent diabetes from ever happening to you. The more you know, the better you will be able to lead a normal healthy life.

John Demusz is a retired sea captain and has been fighting diabetes since 1971 when he was first told
he was pre-diabetic. []Click Here.

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